
This song basically means that this prsn has been through a LOT. When she says "heart made of glass" meanig that her heart is now fragile and sensitive to a lot."Mind of stone",means that her mind cannot function-- its just jammed and cant think. "Need a place to hide but can't find one near" that one means she just wants to hide away from everything , even the face of the world, but she can't.. even find it , like no place to Be able to weep , and cry gut wrenching cries. 😢...

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I'm hearing "You get through all this shit"

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He knows the world keeps turning, he knows he should move on, he even started to get over her, but you can almost feel this is a self affirmation, something he tells himself, knowing deep down she's his world that keeps turning.

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This song mean true love

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It’s a song about pulling yourself from that dark place, rising above and destroying all in your way. Your enemies, the would-be doubters and everyone who has ever put you down. It’s a track about the struggle to seek your revenge on those who have hurt you in life. It’s a cry to those who have felt looked down upon in life, for them to realize that the harder you fight, the more you’ll achieve.

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It's a good song

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It is beautiful. I listen to it as an image of how after a divorce you are happy that your kid (in this case daughter) is at your place, while other times at your ex’s. For me it is therefore much more subtle than a love song. When Boys Town Gang recorded it in the 80s (horrible but funny version), the female singer sang about ‘the boy is honna stay’ and I thought that theu really didn’t understand the meanibg of the song…. (But it is obviously just my interpretation :-))

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It's about a night out and how they go hard all night the Genius is that it's written in reverse, start reading at the end and go backwards

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verse 2 is the continuation of verse 1, I think. He tried storing material riches and then in verse 2, there is a religious allusion but mainly he's saying he owned this big mansion yet didn't feel like he belonged. it's along with the rest of the songs on Lucky Town; he was going the wrong way till he found his family.

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they should have at least used it once in Justified.

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