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The Kinks – Lola Lyrics 4 years ago
Y'know, for years I've heard this song, but only in short, small segments and never the entire thing all at once. Finally, sometime back between 1997-1999, as I was driving to work one evening, I was pulling into a Taco Bell to get something to chow down on while at work, and the radio DJ announced that next up was "Lola by the Kinks", and I was grateful because I would FINALLY hear the complete song and understand what it was about.

I had no idea the song had anything to do with gender confusion, but by the time it got to the following lyrics:
o/` But I know what I am, and I'm glad I'm a man
And so is Lola o/`
I got stunned so hard I almost missed the turn in the drive-thru.

Jimmie's Chicken Shack – Lazy Boy Dash Lyrics 8 years ago
@[AssassinReaper:12420] I have to admit, I agree with a LOT of what you said, though I'm not quite sure I want to believe this song actually gets as dark as possible suicide. I mean, it makes sense, and I know I've heard (and LOVED) songs that tell an even darker story, but I do like your theories about this song, at least!

They Might Be Giants – Pet Name Lyrics 8 years ago
@[snozzberry:10828] Not so! This is also MY favorite, though most people it seems haven't even HEARD of this song, which is a shame!

Tom Cochrane – Life is a highway Lyrics 9 years ago
So, yeah, like I was just saying previously to @[paigepeach:1322], MY thoughts on listening to this song actually comes from an old tabletop RPG that my friends and I played; while I actually developed most of the setting, my friend Ritch was the one actually RUNNING the campaign. It was a combination of "TMNT and Other Strangeness" and "Ninjas and Superspies" (seeing as both were done in the Palladium system and were henceforth compatible); the party was part of ISN (International Security Network), a secret spy organization that was supposed to oversee the safety of the world. Because this ALSO incorporated "TMNT and Other Strageness", the entire party was comprised of mutant animals — my character was Agent James Alexander Stetson, a white mouse former Field Agent that was suddenly and unexpectedly promoted from Field Agent to Regional Overseer, West Coast Division of ISN.

Two things to note about this: there was a policy of only one mutant animal per six humans on a team, and mutant animals were considered to be lower tier than humans in most cases. Agent Stetson was suddenly in charge of basically the WEST COAST of the United States, was also expected to LEAD A TEAM, and his team was comprised completely of OTHER MUTANT ANIMALS; he was leading a seven-person team, and most of his team was insane/borderline insane. I'm going off on a tangent, however. Back to the song!

So, despite the fact that Agent Stetson was a wreck of a mutant mouse, he was making very good money. In fact, enough that he could afford his personal car, an original 1982 DeLorean, which he kept in tip-top shape, and only drove in when he WASN'T on duty (which was extremely rare, considering his current position). I keep imagining poor Stetson cruising around in his DeLorean, and basically having to drive out of harm's way from a NUMBER of enemy agent's traps and getting jumped by said enemy agents. For the chorus, I can picture him cruising down the titular "highway" with the ISN doctor that worked in his particular office, Romana (who he also had a bit of a crush on). In a way, outside of the strangeness that is mutant animals, I think I was just trying to translate the lyrics much more LITERALLY.

Tom Cochrane – Life is a highway Lyrics 9 years ago
@[paigepeach:1321] See, normally I'd agree with you, but I didn't know before now where Tom Cochraine was actually from, so I just have a different mental association for this song... and it comes from an old tabletop RPG my friends and I played for a small stretch of time before the group grew tired of it and we switched to something else.

Chumbawamba – Celebration, Florida Lyrics 9 years ago
Y'know, I haven't heard THIS song by Chumbawamba just yet, but back from May 2000 to October 2010, I used to live in the greater Orlando area and was actually friends with one of the Disney feature film animators. Whenever a new Disney animated film would be released (ESPECIALLY if said friend actually worked on it), he'd invite all of his friends (myself included) to this theater that was basically in Celebration, FL. I never did drive through the ENTIRE place, but just the small bits that I saw every time we drove into Celebration did strike me as a bit TOO perfect...

SR-71 – Fame (What She's Wanting) Lyrics 9 years ago
Wow, that's pretty much EXACTLY how I took it, myself! Of course, I can't have a story about a song and NOT related it to some stupid game that I'll never produce, but here goes...

Going back to the previous SR-71 song I commented on (Politically Correct), when I listen to this song, I imagine it being the theme for ANOTHER character from the same fighting game I'll likely never produce... but, in this case, I actually came up with an animated music video (all in my head, unfortunately), where said girl is basically living almost in squalor, but is still relaxed and pulls up a View-Master; the circular reel placed inside of it would basically be the video itself (albeit animated, unlike most View-Masters). For the line "They all knew she'd end up just another loser's girlfriend", it'll be the singer himself with the titular girl in front of him.

SR-71 – Politically Correct Lyrics 9 years ago
Okay, it's time for some more of Uncle Limedog's Story Minute!

While I know that this song's something on the old side, I didn't get a hold of this CD until WELL after it had come out, because of a friend of mine mentioning this band; I took some interest in the band in general. When I listen to this song in specific, however, it makes me think of a rather silly fighting game character that I want to make one of these days (I was originally thinking of using MUGEN, but I'm no longer so sure about that now); the character in question is basically something along the lines of partially insane and almost COMPLETELY living in the world of cartoons, but, like the lyrics suggest, it's not like he's TRYING to "piss [anyone] off"... it just happens!

Weird Al Yankovic – Since You've Been Gone Lyrics 9 years ago
Sadly enough, this accurately describes TWO of my past relationships TO A T. .-.

Weird Al Yankovic – Sports Song Lyrics 9 years ago
Funny how my two favorite songs are back to back on this album! So, yeah, my favorite thus far is a toss-up between this one and "Word Crimes"; "Word Crimes" seems to be a bit more bitter, but it's not like this one lacks in the bitterness department, either! PROTIP: For some reason, I like it when Weird Al gets bitter during his parody songs.

Weird Al Yankovic – Word Crimes Lyrics 9 years ago
No comments? SERIOUSLY?

This was the FIRST song I heard from Weird Al's latest album, "Mandatory Fun", and my favorite's a toss-up between this one and "Sports Song", but this one is just so HARSH, it's AWESOME! :D

TIL "emoji" was a word

The Mighty Mighty Bosstones – The Impression That I Get Lyrics 10 years ago
Okay, this dates back around two decades in the past, for a personal project I'm /still/ working on, Space Wings. The concept is basically a classic space fleet setting (think Wing Commander [the games] or Battlestar Galactica), in which Earth is fighting for it's /very survival/ against a seemingly unending alien threat. I had actually imagined an animated video to go along with this song centered on a few pilots from the central focus of my story, flying for survival against overwhelming odds and /somehow/ surviving everything thrown at them, even while everyone else in space are getting slaughtered wholesale.

Not wanting to darken the tone of the song, but I could /still/ see that fitting my story, years and years later.

The Mighty Mighty Bosstones – The Rascal King Lyrics 10 years ago
Okay, this actually goes back to a relatively /recent/ time, when City of Heroes/Villains was still a thing. I had created a villain that /eventually/ felt the odd call to try "his" hand at being a hero... but "he's" /already/ a known and wanted criminal. "His" solution? /Change "his" appearance and identity/.

In comes "The Rascal King".

I had actually used this song as the basis for "his" look as a hero; a punked-out brick of a... shrimp, actually, but he could just take hits and shrug them off no matter /how/ rough it got. Of course, eventually, "he" /was/ revealed, but kept working with the very same heroes whose base he invaded just a year or two before.

The Mighty Mighty Bosstones – The Rascal King Lyrics 10 years ago
If it was based on /Clinton/, those lines in the chorus would be:
"The last hurrah
Nah, I didn't inhale".

Barenaked Ladies – One Week Lyrics 10 years ago
Personally, I think your interpretation is the best one. :3

They Might Be Giants – The Guitar (The Lion Sleeps Tonight) Lyrics 10 years ago
A tad late, but I like your interpretation the best. Sorry to hear that your relative died at such an early age, though.

Rednex – The Sad But True Story of Ray Mingus, the Lumberjack of Bulk Rock City, and His Never Slacking Stribe in Exploiting the So Far Undiscovered Areas of the Intention to Bodily Intercourse from the Opposite Species of His Kind, During Intake of All the Mental Lyrics 10 years ago
How are there NO comments on this gloriously offensive little gem of a Rednex song? Here, I'll add one finally.

When I heard my first Rednex song, "Cotton Eye Joe", I had NO CLUE that there would even BE a band called "Rednex", much less suspect they weren't even AMERICAN. Regardless, once I found out a friend of mine had an old album of theirs, "Sex & Violins", I decided to go ahead and borrow it from him. When I saw this track listed on the back of the CD case, I was FLOORED to see a title THAT long, but even MORE floored to actually LISTEN to the track! How was this song even POSSIBLE? My GOD, those were some of the MOST offensive lyrics IMAGINABLE... and I LOVED it!

OK Go – What To Do Lyrics 10 years ago
Man, am I late to this one or WHAT?

In any case, I used this specific song as a theme for a few of my super-powered characters in both the games City of Heroes AND City of Villains, because of that one line that just resonates with me, as well as the characters in question:
"Sweetheart, you'll find / Mediocre people do exceptional things all the time"
I first applied it to one of my first villain characters, because she NEVER WANTED to be a villain; she was practically forced into that role, and it didn't help her when the main villain group of that setting SPRANG HER from Maximum Detention because she was "one of the Chosen Ones".

She just wanted to be a scientist in peace. Was that TOO much to ask?

The sharply contrasting tones used throughout the song just helped cement this as her primary theme song.

Foo Fighters – Learn to Fly Lyrics 10 years ago
So, as always, this song inspired me to want to make ANOTHER animated music video. Yes, I know there's a canon video to this song already, and it's WONDERFUL, but this actually inspired me to want to make my own... and combine it with another favorite franchise of mine, Portal.

The video would center around a character that I had developed, Terry Brandon, a middle manager in the programming department of Aperture Science... and one of the FIRST victims to be thrown into the Enrichment Center Testing Chambers. Basically, the "singer" is Terry, and the whole song is done through his idea of what's happening with Aperture Science, and his CONSTANT annoyance at GLaDOS (which he tried to convince Aperture to stop developing, only to instead become one of the first victims of it).

For the lines "Hook me up a new revolution / 'Cause this one is a lie", the first line is done with Terry staring with severe annoyance at the camera. The second switches the POV around to Terry's, and he's looking into a black screen that shows his reflection... with a few "additions", courtesy of GLaDOS (a party hat, a noise-maker, and a slice of cake on a plate underneath him, and the noise-maker "blows" at the end of the second line).

For the chorus, the "looking to the sky to save me" would typically have Terry glancing at something higher up that might solve his current situation, "looking for a sign of life" would typically have him trying to see through one of several "observation windows" to see if anyone's even ALIVE behind them, and "looking for something to help me burn out bright" is usually him finding the solution to his current predicament. "Looking for a complication" would have him spotting yet ANOTHER issue, "Looking 'cause I'm tired of trying" would have him just being disgusted with the situation in general, and "Make my way back home / When I learn to fly (high)" would be him finding his solution by soaring over the obstacle.

The partial exception would be after the second repetition of the chorus, where it goes "Fly along with me / I can't quite make it alone", which would be at Test Chamber 18, the part with the pool of deadly water along the bottom, the four turrets on stands, and Terry (along with Denise, the receptionist he sees upon entering Aperture for each work day) takes a flying leap of faith past all of the turrets, which open fire on the two of them... but, holding Denise close (while she just closes her eyes, afraid of being shot to death), he takes that chance, and survives, though he comes close to being shot to death SEVERAL times; the bullets tear up what's left of his work clothes, but no rounds actually pierce his or Denise's flesh, and they make it out alive.

By the end of the video, he FINALLY makes it back to his old office, which is now abandoned and locked (and his keycode no longer works)... but there's a small endtable across the hall from his office, and a window that leads into his office. A few moments of using portals to build up momentum and then the endtable smashes through his window, and he's able to access his own office once again.

OK Go – Do What You Want Lyrics 10 years ago
Incidentally, I first discovered OK Go when I had Time-Warner cable TV, late at night with one of my roommates and a friend over doing a late-night drawing session. This was back when Time-Warner cable was still CALLED that, and had the deluxe package which included channels that were nothing but music. One of those channels started playing "Get Over It" by OK Go, and I instantly fell in love with the band as a whole.

OK Go – Do What You Want Lyrics 10 years ago
It's okay, we're all right here with you.

OK Go – Do What You Want Lyrics 10 years ago
Oh my GOD, I want to do an animated music video to this song so BADLY now... I mean, ever since I FIRST heard the song. Oddly enough, though, it makes me think of a silly little Korean MMO that I still play from time to time, Maple Story.


For a while, back in around 2006, I was in a guild with several of my friends and acquaintances from the Internet. When I first heard this song, I started jiving to it, and then it hit me; this song would work WITH MY GUILD! Especially considering I was usually dead last when it came to levels in general, despite the fact that my class was technically one of the tougher ones, to boot (back when there were really only four classes). The only issue was I would have to do this in Flash, considering I want it to randomly choose a focus for the first verse and again for the second verse... but I already knew my character would be one of the "second verse" selections. If I ever get around to doing this video after all, I may not do the whole randomizer thing for who gets what verse, but I still have it vaguely mapped out in my head.

Ah, well.

OK Go – Hello, My Treacherous Friends Lyrics 10 years ago
Well, here we go again. Time for another story having to do with my old gaming days.

Eventually, when you play any game for long enough, and you have heavily invested characters with backgrounds and little story lines to go with them, you start developing soundtracks for them, as well. This one dates back to my days playing "City of Heroes", or, more specifically, "City of Villains". I had written up a villain that was supposed to be in cahoots with another friend's villain. The one that I wrote up was called "Donovan", and the one my fried wrote up was named "Ethan". Donovan was told by Ethan (once he found Donovan) that it was DONOVAN who drove the van that the two escaped with, because Donovan was suffering a severe case of amnesia.

This, of course, was the plan all along. While being patterned off of designs from "Forward Motion Laboratories", which was completely bought out by Crey Biotech, neither Donovan not Ethan were designed at ALL by "Forward Motion Laboratories", but rather by Crey Biotech... and mostly to try to track down one of the Forward Motion designs that was still in the Rogue Isles. Donovan and Ethan aren't even their real NAMES: they're FRAGMP-001dC and FRAGMP-001eC, respectively, and are otherwise known as "Delta" and "Epsilon". "Donovan" was designed from creation to have a faulty memory; he knows how to eat, sleep, speak, and otherwise function, but doesn't remember much more past that. "Ethan", however, was given a full set of programming, and was tested to ensure his unwavering loyalty to Crey Biotech before the two of them "busted out". Ethan, of course, tells Donovan than they're brothers, demanded real names (at least Ethan told Donovan this, amongst other lies), and eventually just broke out and escaped. He was right next to a familiar looking, though unmarked van, and just believed Ethan was telling the truth.

How does THIS song fit into Donovan's playlist? Well, he's a VILLAIN working in the Rogue Isles, which is ruled by Lord Recluse, and often ends up working alongside his Arachnos troops... or, in Donovan's eyes, his "new arachnid kids", his "spiders".

Barenaked Ladies – The Old Apartment Lyrics 10 years ago
Depends on the college you go to. I went to two separate colleges, both were two year colleges, but I spent a grand total of five years in college and never earned a degree.

I don't really have FOND memories of college, myself. Then again, I also wasn't living on my own for the second college. First, I was in a completely different CITY (was in Royal Palm Beach and my college was down in Miami, by the ghetto).

Barenaked Ladies – The Old Apartment Lyrics 10 years ago
Oddly, I don't think the guy was all that abusive or anything. I think he just broke in to a place he used to live in, and is kinda having fun and going nuts... y'know, until the cops show up.

Barenaked Ladies – The Old Apartment Lyrics 10 years ago
Oh, you're not crazy at all. Everyone's just got a different viewpoint, that's all.

Barenaked Ladies – The Old Apartment Lyrics 10 years ago
Okay, this (for once) isn't a GAMING memory of mine, but instead an old idea I had for my own animated video... and, yes, I know there's already an OFFICIAL video to this song, but I had my own ideas for a different video.

In this one, the break-in has already happened and the "singer" is already handcuffed and in the back of a police cruiser, while his ex-girlfriend (who still lives in the "old apartment" is standing just outside of. The window is down, and he's basically "singing" this to his ex, occasionally getting more excitable as he goes into the more significant memories... but, by the end of the song (when it starts repeating "I want them back"), he actually calms down and gets remorseful, though still gets excitable each time he repeats "this is where we used to live!".

Dunno if I'll ever end up making this video, because I still need to learn things like "animation" and "Flash" first. Maybe eventually, it'll happen.

Eels – My Descent Into Madness Lyrics 10 years ago
I keep thinking it's Arnold Schwarzenegger, but I can't think of a single film that he said that line before this album was made.

Barenaked Ladies – It's All Been Done Lyrics 10 years ago
Okay, around 2001, after I had moved up to Orlando, and our group had already started up a major GURPS superhero campaign, my roommate heard this song and thought it would best be done as an "animated music video" done with our characters from the superhero campaign. Of course, 12 years later, I've still done nothing, but I have the proposed scenes and whatnot so I can always go back and tackle it again once I, y'know, learn Flash and all that!

Basically, the idea is that, later in the 21st century (2017-ish), our superheroes all join a branch of the government and form the TCC (Time Correction Corps), being led by my character, Melody Nicole Mitchell (aka Time Out, mistress of all things time-related). The idea would be to travel back to certain eras of time (usually historic) and "fix issues" that end up happening. Sometimes via violence, sometimes by ALLOWING said violence to happen. Shades of "Timecop", anyone?

Barenaked Ladies – It's All Been Done Lyrics 10 years ago
David Duchovny?

Eels – My Descent Into Madness Lyrics 10 years ago
Another personal story; I picked up this album years ago, but this song in particular brought to my mind the name of a starship; nothing FANCY, just a cargo hauler, but called the Ward Nine. Eventually, this became an actual ship for a tabletop role-playing game where I was playing the "captain", a former Lieutenant in Star Fleet.

Also, my character in particular hated Federation teleportation, and refused to have a single transporter installed on his ship. After the first DOZEN attempts to transport other people on the Ward Nine, he also looked into getting a Transport Inhibitor.

OK Go – Oh, Lately It's So Quiet Lyrics 10 years ago
This is just for my purposes, but I used this song as a theme back in... 2008-ish? This had to do with a character of mine and his sorry background for a tabletop role-playing game. My character was an out-of-towner that moved to the quiet town of South Ashfield, Tennessee (just a few miles southwest of Silent Hill, Tennesee, which was several miles south of Lynchburg). While a gool ol' southern boy, himself, he was also a jerk and distanced himself from everybody... except for a Kim Dodson, who he actually felt those odd pangs of something commonly known as "love". The problem was, he wasn't a very social person, and while Kim shared that crush for some reason, she gave up finally trying to get my character's eye, and went off and married someone else (a fellow by the name of Michael).

One of my character's other major issues was that he had no idea how to swim, and he was already 25 (suffered a severe case of bathophobia when he drowned in the deep end of a public pool when only 7). Eventually, Kim suggested she'd take him to learn how to swim in a public pool, but my character hesitated. Finally, Kim offered to wear a bikini, and my character was suddenly VERY interested. By the end of the afternoon, my character still didn't know how to swim, but the two went back to his place... and had sex.

Did I mention that Kim was already MARRIED by this time?

I actually wanted to do an animated video to this song, sung by the point of view of Michael. It would be both sad and bitter at the same time.

* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.